Child Safety

Children under 18

You must be at least 18 to use and access Miss Harmonie tutors and content, you must not register yourself. Instead, please ask a parent or guardian to access resources in their name and then use the content and resources via their account. 

Our Tutors

All of our tutors have training and are qualified in Child Safety training and all are DBS checked for child and vulnerable adult safety.

Staying Safe Online

At Miss Harmonie, we use a range of communicative apps and sites to encourage conversation and learning through immersion.

With all environments online, in which you can communicate with others, it’s best you stay aware of potential dangers. 

Before talking to someone online, review your current existence online. Check out the privacy settings and any social media profiles you may use and make sure which ones you wouldn’t like to share, remain private.  

What to do if you are concerned

If you are worried about something you may have posted, including potentially sharing personal details, you can go back and edit or remove anytime. 

If there is a profile or a comment from someone else that concerns you, you can report it to a staff member or using the report button. 

You can also contact staff at if someone’s behaviour worries or upsets you. 

If you believe someone who you are talking to has ill intentions, follow these steps:

  1. Do not reply to any messages
  2. Report them using the button or the member of staff moderating
  3. contact us at